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matches found
Property Type: Commercial
# of Bedrooms: 23
# of Bathrooms: 21
Square Footage: 10651
Area: St. Thomas
Description: MULTI USE PROPERTY in Smith Bay!! Zoned R-3, This property has multi living...
Property Type: Lots/Acres
Area: St. Thomas
Description: Fantastic Investment Opportunity for a Hotel Development! This 1-acre parce...
Property Type: Residential
# of Bedrooms: 7
# of Bathrooms: 5
Square Footage: 7500
Year Built: 1987
Area: St. Thomas
Description: Situated above the breathtaking Charlotte Amalie harbor, this stunning 7-be...
Property Type: Residential
# of Bedrooms: 5
# of Bathrooms: 4
Square Footage: 3500
Area: St. Thomas
Description: A Charming, Tranquil Villa on 1.21+/-US acres located in the highly desira...
Property Type: Lots/Acres
Area: St. Thomas
Subdivision: Botany Bay
Description: One of a kind 3 plus acre parcel overlooking Sandy Beach and a string of we...
Property Type: Residential
# of Bedrooms: 5
# of Bathrooms: 3.5
Square Footage: 3160
Area: St. Thomas
Description: Elegant masonry home, mesmerizing views and just minutes from pristine beac...
Property Type: Commercial
# of Bathrooms: 4
Square Footage: 9657
Area: St. Thomas
Description: Located in the heart of downtown St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, this historic ...
Property Type: Residential
# of Bedrooms: 6
# of Bathrooms: 5
Square Footage: 6708
Area: St. Thomas
Description: Nestled on 0.63 acres and within walking distance to beautiful Bolongo Beac...
Property Type: Residential
# of Bedrooms: 5
# of Bathrooms: 4
Square Footage: 5819
Area: St. Thomas
Description: Perched atop .73 acres of lush tropical landscape, this exquisite Villa off...
Property Type: Residential
# of Bedrooms: 4
# of Bathrooms: 4
Square Footage: 3250
Area: St. Thomas
Description: Great opportunity and location in Nazareth! Possibly the best value on the...
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